
Aluminum is among the world’s most widely used metals, typically considered second in usage only to steel and its variants. This popularity is due to its broad spectrum of uses across many industries and products. Within architecture, aluminum may be used for building exteriors and decorative features alike. It is also common within aviation, the automotive industry, and many other metal manufacturing industries.

The unique properties of aluminum have made this metal highly popular throughout the world and across many industries. To begin with, aluminum is corrosion resistant against oxidation, yet has superior malleability and ductility that enables it to be shaped and worked very easily (and in very thin layers). It can also be polished to a highly reflective state. Finally, aluminum is also non-magnetic and a good conductor of both heat and electricity. 

Cleaning Aluminum
Aluminum can be cleaned relatively easily using a combination of warm water and a mild detergent, such as dishwashing liquid. Take care in using abrasive pads or cleaners, as these can scratch the surface of aluminum more easily than other more scratch-resistant metals. Baking soda with a moist cloth may be more effective in removing difficult stains without scratching.

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